
From English into German

I translate from English into German, which is my mother tongue.

My clients are passionate about their work and I help them make it available to a German audience. What they have to say matters and I want their audience or clients to feel like what they are reading was written in German – so they can fully concentrate on the content.

I have worked with

companies, NGOs, non-profits, think tanks and publishers.

I have worked on

European affairs, lobbying, economy and investments, Eastern Europe, mobile technology.

I am passionate about

public transportation, inclusive language, sustainability, technology.

Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.

— Günter Grass

Past translation projects


The German NGO LobbyControl researches the influence of lobbying on national and European politics, both in Berlin and in Brussels.

I have translated several booklets, brochures and texts into German that LobbyControl published with their European partner organization Corporate Europe Observatory.

The challenge: Finding out which organisations and institutions have names that have already been translated into German and which documents that are referenced already exist in German. Nothing is more confusing than different names are used to refer to the same organization.

Urban Development

The series “Beiträge zur Stadtentwicklung” published by the city of Leipzig, focusses on different aspect of urban development.

I translated the publication about the the city’s bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games. Even though the international bid was not successful, the whole project jumpstarted a number of urban development projects in Leipzig that its citizens still benefit from.

The challenge: Not getting side-tracked by my own enthusiasm for many of the ideas described in the text.